Nominations have been received for the following persons for the eight positions on the QWA Management Committee to be filled by election at the upcoming QWA AGM on 10 April, in line with the requirements of the QWA Constitution:
President: Miles Wydall nominated by Angela Wydall Seconder Darcy Kay Vice President: Rawena Tairi nominated by Lesley Moyle Seconder Miles Wydall
Secretary: Jemma Cowper nominated by Carley O’Donnell Seconder Sandra Branson Treasurer: Rebecca Gowland nominated by Tori Gallegos Seconder Lawson Dingle
Ordinary Members (4)
1. Will Findlay nominated by Angela Wydall Seconded Miles Wydall
2. Sonia Stenhouse nominated by Chloe Kerwick Seconded Lynell Bidgood
3. Jackson Solofa nominated by Miles Wydall Seconded Angela Wydall
4. Callum Hannay nominated by Elizabeth Sawyer Seconded Brayden Williams
Given there is only one nomination per vacancy received by the closing date for nominations, the abovenamed will be elected at the AGM, the agenda for which is attached.
Advice of proposed attendance and contact email address for planning purposes from authorised QWA Affiliated club representatives by 5th April to is requested. Previous minutes, Audit Report and Annual Report will be circulated to attendees in the days prior to the meeting.