2023 QWA State Junior & U23 Championships – wrapped!

The State Junior & U23 Championships at Chandler on Saturday 4th February had 53 entries. The assembled athletes, coaches, volunteers, and Technical Officials managed to survive a long day of competition under very hot conditions. Thank you to host club Cougars!

As part of the Dawn Supply Co. industry launch they had a pop-up shop operating on the day and supplied the best male and female lifters in both Junior & U23 age-groups with $100 gift vouchers. Thank you!

Live streaming, photography and video coverage were provided by Brent Vaughan. Thank you!

Best Lifter awards went to:

Best Junior femaleMaddison PowerBurleigh Barbell
Best Junior maleTaj MarshNoosa Barbell
Most improved Junior femaleImogen CrowellNone
Most improved Junior maleTashaun SolofaIpswich Weightlifting
Best U23 femaleHalle MifsudThunder Barbell
Best U23 maleTaj MsarshNoosa Barbell
Most improved U23 femaleAiesha Lewis-Zraika Ipswich Weighlifting
Most improved U23 maleTashaun SolofaIpswich Weightlifting
Best Junior female – Maddison Power
Best 23 female – Halle Mifsud
Best Junior & U23 male lifter Taj Marsh celebrating with the Noosa Barbell crew.

Most Improved Junior female – Imogen Crowell
Most Improved Junior & U23 male – Tashaun Solofa

Numerous PB’s and Records were set at the competition.

Our record breakers were:

Alana CastleF76YouthQLDCJ81
Angus WardM109+JuniorQLDSNATCH119
Angus WardM109+JuniorQLDCJ156
Angus WardM109+JuniorQLDTOTAL275
Halle MifsudF59SeniorAWFCJ111
Halle MifsudF59U23AWFCJ111
Halle MifsudF59SeniorQLDCJ111
Halle MifsudF59U23QLDCJ111
Macy BrockhurstF87SeniorQLDSNATCH88
Macy BrockhurstF87U23QLDSNATCH88
Maddison PowerF71JuniorQLDCJ108
Maddison PowerF71U23QLDCJ108
Selina RichardsF81Under 15QLDSNATCH50
Selina RichardsF81Under 15QLDCJ61
Selina RichardsF81Under 15QLDTOTAL111
Zoe ChristieF49Under 15QLDSNATCH50
Zoe ChristieF49YouthQLDSNATCH50
Zoe ChristieF49Under 15QLDCJ60
Zoe ChristieF49YouthQLDCJ60
Zoe ChristieF49Under 15QLDTOTAL110
Zoe ChristieF49YouthQLDTOTAL110

The athletes are now preparing to compete in Townsville at the National Junior & U23 Championships 21-23 April at Thunder Barbell Club. Entries close online via the QWA website March 6th. Remember to get in and make your travel & accommodation bookings early. Uniform requirements are a QWA State Representative lifting suit and QWA t-shirt/polo shirt. You can find these items here https://qwashop.org/

PS It was fantastic to see Erika Yamasaki and baby out in the warm-up!!!