Become an Affiliated Club
The Queensland Weightlifting Association Inc. (QWA) is a not-for-profit organisation that is incorporated in Queensland under the Associations Incorporation Act 1981.
In general terms, the purpose of the Association is to enable members to participate in the sport of weightlifting.
An Affiliated Weightlifting Club is a group or association that:
- Has a minimum of one qualified weightlifting coach with either a current QWA Online Coaching Certificate Course qualification OR an AWF Coaching course accreditation.
- Includes five or more current financial QWA members
- Promotes participation in QWA events and programs
- Applies to the QWA for affiliation and is accepted
- Pays the QWA Affiliation Fee of $200 (inc GST) for new clubs. Annual re-affiliation fee is $150 (inc GST)
- Appoints a Club President, Secretary and Treasurer
- Nominates a person to represent the Club at QWA General Meetings

- Clubs are included in the Australian Weightlifting Federation policy for Public Liability Insurance
- Club members are associated with the club name in competitions and published results
- Clubs can conduct official club weightlifting competitions at their own premises
- Clubs can host state weightlifting competitions, subject to venue suitability
- Affiliated clubs are entitled to vote at QWA General Meetings
- Four free QWA memberships for new Youth/Junior members per calendar year
- Listing of your club on the QWA Club Locator/website & the AWF website
- Opportunities to apply for subsidised course fees at AWF Coaching courses
- Opportunities to apply for QWA funding for targeted participation programs.
- Supply of QWA banner for display in club, and at competitions.
Guidelines for QWA Club Affiliation
The principal objects of the QWA are:-
- To organise, control and develop the sport of weightlifting in Queensland under Australian Weightlifting Federation Rules.
- To develop and intensify friendship and co-operation amongst competitors and officials in weightlifting both in Queensland and other states.
- To authorise and supervise all weightlifting activities of members in Queensland.
- To maintain all affiliations with the Australian Weightlifting Federation and other Sporting organisations as may be required for the proper advancement and recognition of weightlifting.
- To render aid either financial or by other means to clubs or associations in the State of Queensland or elsewhere which clubs or associations are conducting the sport of weightlifting in accordance with the rules laid down by the Australian Weightlifting Federation.
- To present weightlifting in its proper form to the public.
- To do all such things as are conducive or incidental to the attainment of the above objects or any of them.
While the QWA is primarily an Association of individual members, most of those members choose to join together within Clubs. Clubs which have a structure and a set of objects similar to those of the QWA may apply for affiliation to the QWA.
Affiliation affords a number of benefits to Clubs:
- representation and voting entitlements at General Meetings of the QWA;
- the ability to conduct official weightlifting competitions under Australian Weightlifting Federation rules(1);
- the ability of members to compete in weightlifting events under the name of their Club;(2)
- the ability to nominate to host QWA State events;
- approval to display their Annual Certificate of Affiliation within their premises;
- to be eligible to apply for Junior development resources, including four free Youth/Junior QWA memberships per calendar year;
- to have the ability to apply for short term use of QWA loan equipment;
- to be eligible to apply for Coach Education course subsidies;
- to be able to have their club competitions on the QWA calendar to enable one-stop online entry and charging of reimburseable entry fees;
- to have access to Volunteer registration information for their competitions to aid in producing their competition Volunteer roster;
- to have their club promoted through QWA social media channels;
- to have their Club details listed on the QWA and AWF websites;
- to have access to online services to manage their Club competition registrations;
- to have their approved activities covered by AWF insurance.
An “Affiliated Club” or “Club” means a weightlifter’s association consisting of not less than five members including a President, Secretary and Treasurer, all of whom are members of the QWA, which becomes affiliated to the QWA for the duration of a calendar year or part thereof.
“Club Representative” means one representative appointed to the QWA by the controlling body of each Affiliated Club.
Voting Rights
Every Affiliated Club is entitled to be represented at General Meetings including Annual General Meetings of the QWA by one appointed Club Representative and each Club Representative is entitled to exercise one vote on any resolution put to a General Meeting. Each Club representative is entitled to exercise one vote in the election of the Management Committee of the QWA at the Annual General Meeting.
Application for Affiliation
Every application for affiliation shall be made in writing, signed by the President of the applicant club and shall be in such form as the QWA Management Committee from time to time prescribes.
The fees for Club Affiliation shall be such sum and payable at such time and in such manner as the QWA Management Committee shall from time to time determine.
At the next meeting of the QWA Management Committee after the receipt of any application and the fee applicable for club affiliation, such application shall be considered by the Management Committee, who shall thereupon determine upon the admission or rejection of the applicant.
Any applicant who receives a majority of the votes of the members of the Management Committee present at the meeting at which application is being considered shall be accepted as an Affiliated Club.
Upon the rejection of an application for affiliation the secretary shall forthwith give the applicant notice in writing of such rejection.
Termination of Affiliation
If an Affiliated Club –
Fails to comply with any of the provisions of the QWA Constitution;
or conducts, causes, aids or supports any action which is considered to be injurious or prejudicial to the character and/or interests of the Association (this may include inappropriate advertising on the website they have linked to their Club Affiliation or inappropriate or offensive use of social media) The QWA Management Committee shall consider whether its affiliation shall be terminated.
The Affiliated Club shall be given a full and fair opportunity of presenting their case and if the QWA Management Committee resolves to terminate affiliation, it shall instruct the secretary to advise the club in writing accordingly.
A club whose application for affiliation has been rejected or whose affiliation has been terminated may within one month of receiving written notification thereof, lodge with the secretary written notice of their intention to appeal against the decision of the QWA Management Committee.
Upon receipt of a notification of intention to appeal against rejection or termination of affiliation the secretary shall convene, within three months of the date of receipt of such notice, a general meeting to determine the appeal. At any such meeting the applicant shall be given the opportunity to fully present their case and the QWA Management Committee or those numbers thereof who rejected the application
of affiliation or terminated the affiliation subsequently shall likewise have the opportunity of presenting its or their case. The appeal shall be determined by the vote of the Club Representatives present at such meeting.
Where a club whose application is rejected, does not appeal against the decision of the QWA Management Committee within the time prescribed by these Rules or so appeals but the appeal is unsuccessful, the secretary shall forthwith refund the amount of any fee paid
QWA Club Affiliation Application Form
Affiliated Clubs must include among their membership at least five people who are current members of the QWA. Please provide members’ names in the form below.
Payment & Account Details
Annual Affiliation Fee: $200 (inc GST) for new clubs, $150 (inc GST) for clubs re-affiliating
Bank: Westpac Account
Name: Qld Weight Lifting Association
BSB: 034080
Account Number: 750770
Please include your club name in the description field when making payment
2025 QWA Club Competition program
To assist with the administration of the 2025 QWA Club competition program closing dates for online registrations for Club competitions will be set as midnight on the Sunday prior to the competition date. Changes to the closing date for entries is possible by emailing the QWA office.