EOI QWA Appointed Team Staff National Championships 2023
As the QWA works to ensure that our State continues to encourage growth and development in the area of skilled Volunteers we are pleased to be able to release the…
As the QWA works to ensure that our State continues to encourage growth and development in the area of skilled Volunteers we are pleased to be able to release the…
Please find information in from the Queensland Government below: We are pleased to inform you that the below event/s has/have been approved and will be added to the EAP eligible…
Applications are called for QWA Technical Officials with a minimum of a State Level Referee qualification to be considered for funded positions in 2023. Applicants must hold current QWA membership,…
We would like to advise you of the following information/changes post the recent QWA MC Planning & Ordinary meeting. The change in date of the AWF Masters necessitated a move in dates…
We are happy to announce that Physique Science has agreed to continue with the sponsorship of this event program in 2023.This allows for prize money to be awarded after the…
The State Junior & U23 Championships at Chandler on Saturday 4th February had 53 entries. The assembled athletes, coaches, volunteers, and Technical Officials managed to survive a long day of…
Final-EntriesDownload Best lifter awards of $100 gift certificates to be awarded to best male/female of both age groups. Supplied by newly launched company Dawn Supply Co. https://www.facebook.com/people/Dawn-Supply-Co/100083526602552/ We still need…
Find the updated information here: Preliminary-entries_updated-23_1Download Also note we still require volunteers to run the event. You will find the sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0949AEAD2BA3FDC07-state1
Find all the information you need here: https://www.qwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Preliminary-entries.pdf We are trialling a different product to manage volunteers for this event. You will find the Signup Genius portal here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0949AEAD2BA3FDC07-state1 Feedback…
World Senior Weightlifting Championships We wish our Athletes: Sarah Cochrane, Olivia Kelly, Halle Mifsud & Coach Angela Wydall all the very best for their upcoming competition in Bogota, COL. Management…