We are now seeking information from you regarding your in-house competition dates and arrangements for 2023.

Submission must be received by Monday 5 December.

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When would you like your competitions to be?

Each QWA Affiliated Club can have 2 in-house club competitions per year in addition to the 3 Club Challenge Rounds already scheduled.

What amounts do you wish to charge?

There is a $5 QWA entry fee per athlete for the Physique Science QWA Club Challenge rounds. As a fund raiser for your Club you are able to add an amount to the $5, to be reimbursed back to you once the event has been run.

The current online entry system only supports the one entry fee across all competitions held at your club eg: Club member $10 Non-club member $15 for both Club comps and Physique Science rounds.

Where a fee is charged for an in-house comp other than a Challenge Round a $1 administration fee per athlete will be deducted from the funds to be reimbursed to the club.

How many do you wish to set as your cap?

The QWA very much values the opportunities that established clubs give those club with less facilities and equipment by allowing them to participate in their events.

You are able to set entry numbers for your events.