December News

World Senior Weightlifting Championships

We wish our Athletes: Sarah Cochrane, Olivia Kelly, Halle Mifsud & Coach Angela Wydall all the very best for their upcoming competition in Bogota, COL.

Management Committee News

The QWA wishes to congratulate Rawena Tairi on her AWF Board appointment. She will still be involved with Weightlifting in Queensland particularly in the Officiating space and will continue to use the officiating email address.

Rawena joins the AWF Board with fellow Queenslanders Angela Wydall & Coral Quinell.

The QWA Management Committee has met, and in line with constitutional guidelines has filled the casual vacancy arising from Rawena’s resignation from the QWA MC. 

The QWA MC is very pleased to be able to announce that Scott Mark has agreed to fill the vacancy on the QWA MC. We are looking forward to having some fresh eyes being cast over the activities of the sport of Weightlifting in Queensland.

Scott joins as an Ordinary member with the remaining MC members of Mike Keelan (President), Leanne Knox (Vice President), Sonia Stenhouse (Secretary), Amie Cox (Treasurer), Sarah Cochrane (Athletes Commission) and Callum Hannay & Jemma Cowper (Ordinary members) all working together to make our sport bigger & better.

General reminders

Reminder that clubs’ requests for their additional 2 competitions for the 2023 Calendar are due into the office by Monday 5th December. Information on how to submit these was emailed directly to your club email address.

EOI for hosting State Championship events in Queensland close Thursday 8th December. Information on how to submit these was emailed directly to your club email address.

IWF Technical rule changes effective 5/12/2022

Touching the platform with any part of the body other than the feet during the execution of the lift.

Touching the barbell with his / her footwear. If an athlete touches the barbell with his / her footwear before the attempt the Referees must press Red. If the barbell is touched after a successful attempt with his / her footwear the Referees decision will not be reversed, however the Jury will give a warning to the Athlete, if the Athlete repeats this action on a subsequent lift, the lift will be a No Lift.

Chalk and rosin must be provided near the competition platform on the side of the Athlete’s point of entry.

Athletes must be weighed in undergarments (articles of the athlete outfit: costume, unitard, shorts and T-shirt are not considered as undergarments). Athletes must not wear shoes or socks or any other footwear during weigh-in.

The weigh-in room must be presented in and provided with proper hygienic conditions. Disinfectant / antiseptic cleanser / Sanitation dispenser and cloths should be made available to wipe the scale, if desired / required

Loaders to clean the bar with antiseptic after each attempt. It is mandatory to have the bar disinfected after each attempt.

This is not a complete list of changes, instead those that apply to our Club & State level events have been extracted. The complete document can be found here: