February News

We would like to advise you of the following information/changes post the recent QWA MC Planning & Ordinary meeting.

The change in date of the AWF Masters necessitated a move in dates for our scheduled Physique Science QWA  Club Challenge Round 2 of the 24th June. This competition will now be held over the weekends of the 8th and 15th July. NB we are now waiting on a reconfirmed date and venue for the AWF Masters.

In 2023 the QWA is set to host a Club Development workshop in conjunction with the AGM on Saturday 3rd June in Brisbane – venue yet to be decided.

The QWA will invite a minimum of 1 club rep per affiliated club to attend the AGM and workshop, with those from outside of Brisbane funded travel & accommodation to attend as required. Additional attendees from clubs will be welcomed depending on numbers and budget constraints.

Suggested topics for the workshop could be such things as:

  • how does a club incorporate – process & benefits, grant submissions to include case studies by recently incorporated clubs
  • how can clubs increase their Technical Official workforce, and their qualifications 
  • efficient/compliant competition results management
  • Blue card compliance
  • what programs can clubs introduce to ensure a culture of volunteerism 
  • how to set-up a coach development plan in your club
  • SIA presentation (around areas other than anti-doping)
  • future planning/initiatives
  • Other ideas very welcome – just email them in to qwa@qwa.org

A new QWA Team Staff Appointment Policy will be released in the coming weeks. At this time, we will call for EOI from QWA members for all National events for 2023.

The completed roles/responsibilities/goals of the QWA Athlete Advisory Group – a subcommittee of the QWA Management Committee will be released shortly.

EOI will be circulated shortly for funded Technical Official positions at all 2023 National Championship events and some regional State events.

AWF Coaching Course subsidies that the QWA manage have been set aside for applications for Level 2 course attendances in 2023. EOI will be circulated after July 1. For those wanting to start their coaching journey please encourage them to complete the online QWA Coaching Certificate Course which is free of charge if they have a QWA membership.

Thank you to the 10 people who completed the post National Seniors survey. We really would have loved a few more responses. The results in showed that the respondents felt well supported. Of note it is worth mentioning that our Team staff have developed close relationships over the course of a number of appointments and it may be that new athletes may not realise some of their interactions as approved banter.

The use of Signup Genius will continue to trial. The benefits seem to outweigh the negatives at this point. It seems possible that as clubs shared the link to assist with Volunteer recruitment that the landing area that members reached changed to one that asked for cc details. Please be reassured that there is absolutely no requirement to enter any cc details -it is a free product. We will run with this product for our next state event and then reassess feedback.

We are very happy to confirm that Physique Science are once again financially supporting the Club Challenge Rounds. Entries are now open online for Round 1 on the 11th March. Find more information below:

The QWA wishes to give notice that coaches in the warm-up area at State level events need to have a minimum of a QWA Online Coaching Course qualification. It is also noted that any assistants in the warm-up area are the sole responsibility of the qualified coach and need to be adequately supervised.

In addition, it is now mandatory to have a minimum of one qualified coach (QWA Online Coaching Course qualification, or AWF Qualification) to be able to affiliate as a QWA Club. Thank you to those clubs that have reaffiliated with the QWA for another year, and also a hearty welcome to a number of new clubs! A reminder that those Clubs that have not yet attended to their QWA Affiliation need to have finalised this process before the running of any of their club events in 2023.

A limited number of QWA Hoodies will be back in stock 1st May. You can pre-order yours in the QWA Shop to ensure you don’t miss out. https://qwashop.org/

The NQ Open will be held in conjunction with the Physique Science Round 2 in Mackay on the 8th July. This event is open to all lifters and is a great opportunity for you to get some experience in managing travel to ensure best performance at events.