May News Update

Verification of Entries (VOE) for State Seniors close 12 midday Wednesday 17th May via email to or text 0438031377

Did you know that AWF accredited coaches are expected to have a minimum of a State Level referee qualification?

Step 1 complete your club level referee online training (at a minimum) via your QWA account.

Step 2 Practical component. If you are travelling with your athletes to Townsville and have some spare sessions you can start work on this by signing up to referee.

Minimum dress standards will be a white shirt & navy trousers/skirt.

Decisions from the most recent QWA MC meeting:

Given that numbers of applications for the new Athlete Advisory Group (AAG) appointments did not exceed the number of positions available it was decided that there was no need to progress to the voting process. 2 members of the initial group have agreed to stay on: Liam Saxby & Luke Gardner. They are joined by: Chelsea Weston, Jessica Watzek, Brayden Williams, Fraser Harrison & Taj Marsh. They will be having their first meeting shortly to select a chair and secretary for their group, and starting the process of finding an additional female QWA member to fill the one remaining vacancy. A HUGE thank you to our initial team of Sarah Cochrane, Nathan George, Luke Gardner, Liam Saxby, Hayley Ward & Darcy Kay for all their efforts in getting this initiative off the ground.

Additional notifications to go out to QWA member coaches seeking EOI to act in Personal coach (self-funded) roles at National events. As we move along the pathway of developing our next generation of skilled competition coaches the QWA is calling for EOI from current QWA member coaches with a current AWF coaching accreditation to gain experience under the appointed State Representative Team Staff. Successful endorsement of your application and subsequent review of your proficiency in that role will be valuable additions to your applications for future staff (funded) positions on QWA State Teams. Please email no later than 5 weeks before the National event to ensure this process is finalised in a timely manner. EOI’s for National Masters PC roles will close Friday 19th May. If you are wishing to take up this role at events later in the year you can make your submissions now and up until 5 weeks before the event.

Find your A3 Competition calendar for the rest of 2023 below.