Queensland to Tokyo – Matthew Lydement

With the recent world events, the Tokyo Summer Olympic Games has been postponed exactly one year, and will now be celebrated 23 July 2021 – 8 August 2021.

In the coming weeks, we will introduce Queensland’s Olympic hopefuls… working towards making their dreams of representing our sport on the biggest stage of all, come true.

After a stellar performance at the Arnold Classic in Ohio last month, M109 Oceania snatch record holder Matthew Lydement of Cougars Weightlifting Club, is exactly where he needs to be…

The way I got started in weightlifting was just by chance. I’d been playing a lot of different sports; cricket, rugby union and AFL, but was getting injured frequently which was not only frustrating, but stalling my progress and getting in the road of work.

I gave these team sports away in 2014, but being a competitive person I knew I wanted to give a strength sport a go, and Brisbane Barbell Club had recently opened nearby. Through my work in the fitness industry, I knew of two-time Olympian Damon Kelly who was the weightlifting coach at the club, so I decided to walk in, give it a try, and before long fell in love with the sport and the rest, as they say… is history.

How are you involved with developing the sport of weightlifting in Queensland?

I work for a company called Fitness Industry Training which is a registered training organisation for personal trainers, and we have a lot of people coming through who I’m able to educate on the sport of weightlifting.

How have your training priorities changed in the lead up to Tokyo 2020?

My actual training hasn’t changed as it’s what I love doing, however I need to keep my focus on maintaining discipline around recovery and downtime, good nutrition… and limiting “weekend” beverages!

Who are your supporters and sponsors who have helped on your Olympic Games journey?

My family has been very supportive of my weightlifting and am very grateful to have had two-time Olympian Damon Kelly as my coach since day one.

For the past 4 years I have worked with Taylor Ryan (The Sports Dietitian) who has helped me create structure and discipline around my nutrition, and am very fortunate to have a supportive workplace, thanks to my boss Chris Haseman and Fitness Industry Training.

Tell us about your life outside the gym.

I’m a die-hard sports fan, following most major sports throughout the year and love to dabble in team sports now just for fun.

Sport and training has always been my life.. the only reason I went to school was to play sport! In life I believe you may as well follow what you enjoy, and I’ve been fortunate enough to build a career in the fitness industry over the past 7 years.

What would it mean to you to make the 2020 Australian Olympic Team?

It would be the proudest moment of my life to be able to represent my country at the pinnacle of the sport. It’s what everyone strives for, so to achieve that would be a dream come true.

Matthew is in hot contention for the Continental – Oceana spot in the M109 category.

The Tokyo Summer Olympic Games will now be held 23 July 2021 – 8 August 2021.