Queensland Weightlifting forms Athlete Commission (AC)

At the recent AGM of the QWA it was agreed that our sport would benefit from ensuring that our athletes have involvement and a direct voice into the decision making processes of the QWA.

To bring this initiative to life the QWA will be calling for nominations from the QWA membership, aged 18 years and over who have been a registered weightlifting athlete within the previous 2 years to nominate for a position on the AC. There are no pre-requisite skill or experience levels required for nominees to be eligible.

The commission will comprise 3 female and 3 male members. Once all nominations have been received, current QWA athlete members will then vote via the QWA website for their preferred commission. The successful 6 member AC will in turn elect a chair to be their representative.

The AC representative will initially sit as a non-voting member at QWA Management Committee meetings. This is expected to progress to voting capacity at the next AGM once changes to the QWA Constitution have been lodged and approved with the Office of Fair Trade.

If you are interested in being involved in the commission keep an eye out for the nomination requests in the coming weeks. In the meantime if you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact the QWA qwa@qwa.org