September News

Date changes:

Its likely you have already heard of the change of date and location of the AWF National Senior Championships to the 18-20 November 2022 at the AIS in Canberra. This email release confirms that information.

This change in date now clashes with the QWA Physique Science Club Challenge Round 3 that was scheduled for the 19th November.

After discussion within the Management Committee we would like to advise that Round 3 will now be run on the 8th October.

Clubs wishing to have an additional competition in November are asked to contact the QWA with the date so that the calendar can be updated.

The date of the State Senior Championships will remain unchanged, however the date for Squad training will now be the 5th November.

We apologise for any inconvenience this causes you.

2022 QWA Management Committee appointments:

QWA Committee

  • President: Michael Keelan
  • Vice President: Leanne Knox
  • Treasurer: Rawena Tairi
  • Secretary: Sonia Stenhouse
  • Committee Member: Sarah Cochrane (Athletes Commission)
  • Committee Member: Amie Cox
  • Committee Member: Jemma Cowper
  • Committee Member: Callum Hannay